Module Eleven

Personal Reorientation and Spiritual Recapitulation

A long-term goal of Qing Zhi Bing, as a system of therapy, is to help people to become aware of and change their conscious and unconscious drives and dispositions.

How we find, maintain, and apply our will (Zhi) is through our orientation to life. Your orientation to life can be successful, or it can become disorienting and cause patterns and pendulums of distress.

Healing your Zhi is possibly the most powerful step in becoming free of your past.

Reorienting your Zhi not only eases and opens your Qing (Mood, Feeling, Self Empathy), it can also help free you from patterns of addiction and dysfunctional relationships.

Another long-term goal, for those who embrace life and themselves in a Sacred manner is a complete recapitulation of your life, the events that have harmed you the most, the ways you have harmed others, the grudges and ghosts of your family and ancestors, and the self-limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and what is possible for the rest of your life.

Module Eleven Content:
  • Patterns, Pendulums and Perspectives
  • Somato-mapping and a Path to Freedom
  • State Shift is your Birthright
  • Self Acceptance and Exploring New Ways of Being and Relating
  • The Recapitulation Process
  • Recapitulation of Conditioning
  • Recapitulation of Identity
  • Recapitulation of Separate Self
  • Case Studies
  • Spiritual Recapitulation has No Religion
  • Becoming the One Meditating
  • A Closing Circle – The Way of Non-Interference

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(You can register until Nov, 2024)

Please let us know if you are interested as space is limited to ensure the necessary support.

This 6 – month training, includes over 40 hours of LIVE content, intended for sequential training through

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TCM and Psychology

6 Month Continuing Education Course

Review and Reintegrate Year One

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