



Qi Gong


“Supporting Qi Gong Teachers and Enthusiasts for over 30 years”

Are You Interested in Becoming a Qi Gong Teacher?

If you are, I invite you to begin a life-changing journey of exploring your Self-Awareness, Conscious Embodiment, Breathwork, Meditation, Energetic Sensitivity, and Spiritual Renewal, through the practice of Qi Gong.

Your inward journey can also become a Full Time or Part Time Career, as you learn the most effective ways to share your skills and experience with others.

This ancient practice is sourced from Shaolin Buddhist Monastic training and the Indigenous Daoist Healing Traditions. Qi Gong is a path of dedicated and playful practice that reconnects you with your body, breath, the natural world, your authentic conscious self, and perhaps the mystery of life.

If you already have a personal practice, or are teaching Qi Gong and are looking for new skills, forms, and advanced principles, there are 10 levels of unique practices and knowledge to learn from in the Soma Dao program. If you are not sure if you want to teach, take your time and learn from these powerful experiences as you decide.

If you are a clinician and/or want to become a Qi Gong Therapist, this training focuses primarily on an Oral tradition of Traditional Chinese medicine but also sheds light on many of the scientifically proven skills and benefits of Qi Gong. The Medical Qi Gong (500 Hour) Program is based on the training I initially developed in 1996 for a 5-year Doctoral level program in TCM and Medical Qi Gong.

Qi Gong is a process of self-regulation, efficiency, and balance, as well as entering deep states of meditation and instinctual readiness, emotional acceptance, and Spiritual reunion.

In this time of high stress, economic insecurity, spending more time at home, working, socializing, and learning online, becoming a Qi Gong teacher makes a lot of sense. Given the terrifying health statistics of the 21st Century, people everywhere are looking for guidance on how to manage stress and how to live a healthier life.

The epidemic of Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, Infertility, and Alzheimer’s Disease are all serious warnings that modern life is out of balance. Medical Qi Gong can help these and many other health challenges because the focus is on the person’s inner experience, not their diagnosis.

Qi Gong Teachers are Needed now!

My mission is to teach as many people as possible how to heal themselves, and to heal others from chronic illness, trauma, and addiction, through a combination of traditional Shaolin and Daoist Lineage Qi Gong, a healthy ‘Ancestral’ lifestyle, and Somato-Emotional Release practices.

As a potential Qi Gong teacher, your opportunities to create and deliver your courses are only limited by your imagination, and by how much of this life-changing practice you choose to learn and share.

Are You New to Qi Gong?

If you are, consider this,

As a sentient being, who lives in a body, much of your existence is, and always will be, felt.

Feel into your spine right now. If your spine could talk, what would it say?

How you feel physically, somatically, intuitively, instinctually, and existentially is who you are. How you feel in your Body and Being, can determine your adaptability and all of the ways you face and experience, the world.

As a potential Qi Gong teacher, your career and training will focus on helping people relax, breathe, slow down enough the feel into their lives, find inner balance, and celebrate the gift of Life.

Qi Gong is one of the oldest living Healing traditions and Spiritual practices in the world!

Qi Gong is a Conscious Embodiment, Healing, and Spiritual practice, that involves:

  • Gentle and Rhythmic Movements
  • Deep and Slow Stretching
  • Transformational Breathwork
  • Profound Immersive Stillness
  • Cultivating Spiritual awareness
  • Whole Body Relaxation
  • Cultivating Awareness
  • Meditative Presence
  • Reunion with the Natural world


The Flow of a Gong Class

Most Qi Gong classes and solo practice sessions are going to flow to the ‘rhythm’ of the following specific opportunities of your practice.

  • Arriving and Connecting with Qi
  • Standing Qi Gong – for Alignment and Flexibility
  • Traditional Practice Routines 
  • Breathwork and Meditation
  • Embodied Healing – Dao Yin 
  • Floor Work – similar to Yoga


Learning  Qi Gong Online

Yes, Qi Gong can be learned online. You, as the student, will have to:

  • Commit 3-5 hours per week to study and practice
  • Have regular skill development sessions
  • Gain experience by sharing your teaching style with your peers
  • Become certified to teach, step-by-step 


Your Guide and Mentor
Dr. Michael Smith

Michael was first introduced to Qi Gong, Meditation, and Martial Arts over 47 years ago.  Over the last 40 years, he has had the good fortune of studying with lineage-holding Masters of Martial Arts, Qi Gong, Daoism, Chan/Zen and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Dr. Smith is a co-founder of the prestigious Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences, the first full-time 5-year Doctoral program in TCM in Canada.

As a clinician, he focuses on a combination of Functional Medicine, Evolutionary Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Breathwork, and Qi Gong, to support those with Autoimmune conditions, Complex Trauma, and Addiction.

Early in his clinical career, Dr. Smith became aware of how many of his patients had undiagnosed PTSD, as well as how many were trapped in addictive behavior. While studying modern Trauma Therapy, Michael was surprised to see the similarities with the most ancient and Shamanic aspects of Dao Yin (the original form of Qi Gong). This inspired him to create the Soma Dao Qi Gong Process and Online Training Programs.

This integration of Qi Gong (one the oldest healing traditions in the world) with modern Trauma Release therapies ensures that everyone Michael trains is trauma-informed and highly competent in all aspects of Qi Gong.

What Students are Saying…

“This has been a game-changer in my day-to-day life.”

I am a first-time student of Qi Gong.  Dr. Michael Smith is a teacher and guide, with incredible knowledge, patience, great dedication, and passion.  Soma Dao Qi Gong Teacher Training so far for me has been a beautiful deep learning experience that has changed my life.  A gift to learn the depths of my being in this way has been a game-changer in my day-to-day life.  I so love the instructional videos, I can go back to any class at any time.  This course, from my perspective, is greatly recommended.

“The value of what you will learn is priceless.”

“I’ve benefited so much from participating in this qigong class on a personal and professional level.  It adds to my sense of calm and well-being as well as connection with Self and the Universe.  Michael is very committed to sharing his years of experience and depth of knowledge.  Your time is well spent and the value of what you will learn is priceless.”

Lucy Mei Lee, R.Ac.

The online experience is richer than I have experienced with other courses

I have been a student of Dr. Michael Smith’s for 20 years and still learn something new every class.

I have studied qi gong with several other teachers over the years and I have to say the Soma Dao program is the most comprehensive work in Qi Gong that I have come across so far. Mike is such a creative and descriptive teacher and has an immense amount of wisdom/knowledge to share.  His writing and video content are also extremely prolific in addition to the core course material, which makes the online learning experience richer than I have experienced with other courses.  The depth of study one can achieve in this program is endless if one is willing to put in the work and there is a lot of support available when needed.

Tanya S.

Michael is a very competent, kind, and humorous teacher.

I am now in level 3 of the Qi Gong teacher training and I enjoy the process a lot. The training is highly experiential and moves through different aspects of Daoist training such as traditional standing and movement forms, breathwork, and floorwork.

Michael is a very competent, kind, and humorous teacher.

Matti B.

New Course!!!

Embodied Psychotherapy, Spiritual Recapitulation, and Traditional Chinese Medicine

(Qíng Zhì Bìng –  情志病)

6 Months – 40 Hours (Feb  12- July 19, 2025)

and Some Saturday Mornings 

Every Second Wednesday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, PST

Tap Below to Learn More

Course Description – webpage

6 Months – 40 Hours (Feb  12- July 19, 2025)

Course Description – PDF to Download

All Training Programs include:

LIVE – Online Classes
LIVE – Group Sharing and Learning
In-Person review and refinement with your Mentor
Recordings of EVERY class, skill, theory, and practice

300 Hours  (over 1 – 2 years)

Module One – Qi Gong for Relaxation, Flexibility, and Inner Alignment

Module Two – Cultivating Qi Awareness and Sensitivity

Module Three – Seated Qi Gong, Breathwork, and Daoist Meditation

Module Four – Applied Principles and Traditional Forms

Module Five – Silk Reeling and Standing Meditation

Module Six – Five Animal Frolics – Old and New

Module Seven – Cultivating Vitality and Longevity (Yang Sheng Fa)

Module Eight – Higher Levels, Teaching Skills, Professionalism, and Modern Marketing

Become a Traditional Qi Gong Instructor

Everyone starts here!

A Traditional Qi Gong teacher has gained the skills and knowledge necessary to guide individuals and groups through the most essential aspects of this ancient art. Including:

Whole-body gentle fluid stretching and toning movements.

Dynamic Flexibility

Meditative Awareness

Traditional Forms

Healing Breathwork

Qi Gong and Daoist Principles of Longevity


Other Courses for 2025

Shaolin Strength and Longevity Qi Gong

(Yi Jin Jing)

3 Year Lineage Apprenticeship

Beginning March 19, 2025

Cultivating Vitality and Longevity

(Yang Sheng Fa)

We begin March 25, 2025

Embodied Psychotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine

(Qing Zhi Bing)

(40 Hour Course – over 6 Months)

Beginning February 12, 2025

Daoist Inner Cultivation (Nei Gong )

3 Year Lineage Apprenticeship

We begin May, 2025

Try a free class or a week-long mini-course at:

Every Journey Begins with a Single Step…

I am interested in learning more about becoming a Qi Gong Teacher and/or a Medical Qi Gong Therapist and would like to receive your MONTHLY newsletter.

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