Module Three

The Physiology or Experience, Vitality, and Embodiment

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long history of helping people explore, understand, and transform their physical health and their inner experiential lives.

The profound understanding that TCM has of Mental and Emotional distress includes a ‘physiology’ of Sentience, Cognition, and Emotionality, that can be harmed or healed through your Organs, Qi Functions, and Meridian Circulation.

Thousands of years of wisdom tells us that each emotion we have comes from an innate and invaluable instinct. Your instinctual and visceral drives and reactions are directly connected to your internal organs and can affect their ability to function.

This is why long-term emotional distress can be so destructive to your health.

It is also why people in poor health are less able to regulate and resolve strong emotional distress and trauma.

Qing Zhi Bing (the psychiatry and psychotherapy of TCM) also includes an understanding of Ancestral Trauma that can help people come into contact with their sense of Soul, while also facing their families ‘Ghosts.’

As you become more connected with your healthy instincts and intuition, your thoughts and feelings begin to come back into harmony with your daily life.

The opposite is also true.

If your Vitality (as Qi and Meridians), or your Embodiment (as Somatic sensations and Organ functions) become overworked, under-supported, stuck, or exhausted, your mental, emotional, and Spiritual/Existential experience will also be affected.

Having a predictable and consistent understanding of the physiology of experience and embodiment, and there are many predictable patterns and needs to that subject, is the only way to understand what has gone wrong, why, and what can be done about it in a holistic way.

Throughout this course, a medically scientific understanding will also be included when it is the most relevant and helpful.

Module Three Content:

Experiential Physiology 

  • The Ontology of Being
  • Your Five Wills
  • Your Heart/Mind Spirit (Xin/Shen)
  • The Infinite Wheel of Cognition
  • Your Three Hun – Ancestral Gifts and Generational Trauma
  • The Seven P’o – Family Grudges and Incomplete Lives
  • The Classic Seven Emotions

Organic Physiology

  • Adaptive Overwhelm and the Physiology of Distress
  • The Five Organs System and Visceral Reality
  • The Four Constitutions

Qi and Meridian Physiology 

  • Qi Dynamics
  • The Simultaneous Expressions of Qi
  • The Eight Classic Qi Wounds
  • The Psycho-emotional Expressions and Needs of your Meridians

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(You can register until Nov, 2024)

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This 6 – month training, includes over 40 hours of LIVE content, intended for sequential training through

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TCM and Psychology

6 Month Continuing Education Course

Review and Reintegrate Year One

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