~ Day Forty ~

Strength, Yeilding and Softness

Qi Gong for Yeilding, Healing and Letting go

Your Instincts are meant to protect you.

sometimes they work too well

cold showers


I offer a five-year 500-hour tt program




  • Breathwork Review

    Releasing, Restoring and Transforming Breaths

  • Standing Qi Gong

    Warm Up and Standing Meditation to Melting Body

  • Guided Meditation

    Healing Yolk in Your Belly and Spine

  • Shamanic Journey

    A Spring Thaw in Your Valley

Releasing, Restoring, and Transformational Breathwork

Breathwork Review

Deep Stretching Flow

Qi Gong Floor Work

Standing Meditation and a Melting Body

Standing Qi gong

A Healing Yolk in Your Belly and spine

Seated Qi gong

A Spring Thaw in Your Valley

Shamanic Journey