~ Day Ten ~

Collaboration and Conflict

The Freedom of Yes and No

Your Instincts are meant to protect you.

sometimes they work too well

cold showers


I offer a five-year 500-hour tt program




  • Wisdom Teaching

    Inner Conflict or Collaboration – the Politics of Dancing

  • Standing Meditation

    Receiving and Restoring Playfulness into Your CNS

  • Breathwork Session

    Releasing Tension and Restoring Adaptability

  • Guided Meditation

    Dissolving Conflict, Restoring Peace

The Politics of Dancing

Choosing Sides or Choosing Possibilities

Standing Meditation

Roaming, Releasing and Restoring Your CNS

Kelp Spine and Melting Body

Breathwork Session

Releasing Tension, Restoring Adaptability

rocking and swaying

bracing, anticipation, reactivity

deep healing flow

Guided Meditation

Dissolving Conflict, Restoring Peace