• Methods for Nourishing Vitality and a Long Life

    Yang Sheng Fa

    Tues March 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM For Eight Weeks There will be a time for Q&A at the end of each class. A PDF copy of the Ancestral Diet Cookbook, the Abunbdanbt Health Plan book, the Individual Questionnaires PDF and a Zoom link will be sent to your email on March 26.
  • Level Seven Only - 2023 - 3 payments
  • Becoming an Experienced and confident Qi Gong teacher takes a few years. You will have access to the content for life, so you can always review the exercises when you need to. When you feel that you have the experience, expertise, and clarity with the content to begin teaching, then Welcome to the team! Once you have completed your 350 hours of training, you will be a Fertility and Longevity Qi Gong Instructor. People with this level of training usually teach at Integrative Medicine Clinics, Chinese Medicine Colleges, and Retreat Centers. It would be easy to build an online brand as a Qi Gong for Fat Loss, Fertility, and/or Longevity expert. You could consistently fill up specialized weekend seminars, with this level of knowledge. The Shaolin Qi Gong is highly sought after in many martial arts schools.
  • The One Year Intensive is the best way to learn the basics and begin your journey into the deeper practices of Qi Gong. This course includes the first three levels of the Profesional Level Qi Gong Teacher Training. If you are interested in teaching Qi Gong at a Foundational level or are more interested in your cultivating your personal practice or focusing on your inner healing journey, the 200 Hour program was designed specifically for you.
  • The One Year Intensive is the best way to learn the basics and begin your journey into the deeper practices of Qi Gong. This course includes the first three levels of the Profesional Level Qi Gong Teacher Training. If you are interested in teaching Qi Gong at a Foundational level or are more interested in your cultivating your personal practice or focusing on your inner healing journey, the 200 Hour program was designed specifically for you.
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