Shaolin Strength and Longevity Qi Gong

(Yi Jin Jing and Bone Marrow Washing)
Live Seminars and Self-Study

The Shaolin Muscle Tendon Change(Yi Jin Jing 易筋經) Process and Bone Marrow Washing (Xi Sui Jing 洗髓經) Process are two of the most effective forms of Qi Gong longevity cultivation. These embodied self-cultivation practices begin with some very precise and highly interactive gestures and postures. Many traditional forms can be used to engage in the necessary aspects of coordination, body awareness, and connective tissue development, to apply and explore the internal principles of this practice. There are people who also practice this system of strength and longevity Qi Gong/Dao Yin using no forms at all, they choose instead, to only train the most refined inner expressions of the practice.

I initially began training in this system about 38 years ago

That is a long story from a long lineage of practice. This training has been augmented over the years by a few other high-level masters, colleagues from other lineages, dedicated personal practice and research, and a clinical professor’s relationship with how connective tissue and aging are related.

After decades of learning and practice, this system will always be the most effective (and medically proven) approach to immediate changes in vitality and the long-term benefits of slowing the aging process.

Over the last 20 years, my interest in, and understanding of the neurochemistry, cellular anatomy, psycho-emotional influence, molecular structure, and the nutritional needs of human connective tissues and collagen has changed profoundly. I believe that having a modern understanding enhances my ability to benefit my practice and ensure that my students are training for efficiency and attaining specific outcomes.

An aspect of Inner Cultivation practices, advanced Qi Gong, and Martial Arts is the retention of ancient ways and methods. With the adaptations of thousands of generations, changes in meaning, and motivation are inevitable. As long as the core principles are learned, the system always works. With the advent of modern science, there is an aspect of certainty about what is happening and why that enhances both meaning and motivation.

“It takes three years to completely learn and put the entire system into practice.”

In the way that I presently teach the Shaolin system, we learn and practice three traditional Qi Gong forms, the Inner Principles for each form, self-healing practices, self-massage, self-percussion (Pai Da), as well as dietary therapies for tissue repair, growth, and longevity.

Remember that the forms are not the principles of practice. you could learn this system completely using almost any form, or no form at all.

In fact, in the third year, the forms are replaced by gestures, ‘dances’, and static postures that have the most to do with each individual’s lifestyle, kind of work, and repair of previous injuries.

Although traditionally practiced in Spring, this process (which takes 8 months to a year) can be initially learned any time of year. I live in Canada, so mid-June usually feels like the best time to begin for the first time.

There are two ways to begin the first year’s training

First, every 2 years, I offer the training LIVE, in person and online.

Second, you can begin year one between May and July of any year. This approach can be self-paced for the most part, although there are three LIVE Webinars each year. My Professional Level students and I will be available for Questions and corrections throughout your training.

Year two must be done LIVE!

If you are interested in joining the Year One Shaolin Training in 2024, please watch the videos below.

If you are interested, you can register below, and you will be given access to the training videos and the webinar dates for this year.

What is the Muscle Tendon Change (易筋經 Yi Jin Jing)?

Origins of the Yi Jin Jing

The Principle of Fang Song

and the 3 Traditional Forms of this System

The Four Levels of Qi Gong

10 Reasons I recommend EVERYONE

learn the Shaolin Strength and Longevity Qi Gong

10 reasons to learn the Yi Jin Jing (1 5)

10 reasons to learn the Yi Jin Jing (6 – 10)

Register Now

(You can register until July 12th)

Please let us know if you are interested as space is limited to ensure the necessary support.

If this is your first year of Yi Jin Jing, this 8-month – 100-hour training, includes over 40 hours of recorded content, intended for sequential training through each form and principle, step-by-step, with appropriate warm-up exercises, and regular sessions of review and guided practice.

The Year One Self Study program also includes three LIVE webinars with Dr. Michael Smith. 

If you are a past student and want to reintegrate all of the skills and principles, you can join the self-study group for half price.

Register Now

Complete Yi Jin Jing System

Year One
Review and Reintegrate Year One