~ Day Seventeen ~

Patiently Accepting Yourself as a Being

Meditation, Attention, and Self Acceptance

Your Instincts are meant to protect you.

sometimes they work too well

cold showers


I offer a five-year 500-hour tt program




  • Somatic Neuroscience

    Acupuncture Meridians and Belonging

  • Breathwork Instruction

    Tortoise Breathing

    Befriending Your Gut Intuition and Instinctual Presence

  • Buddhist Wisdom

    Suffering, Pain, and Compassion

  • Breathwork Session

    Underwater Breathing and Tortoise Breathing

Meridians and Being a Being

Tortoise Breathing

Controlling Connection

Suffering, Pain, and Compassion

Buddhist Wisdom

Breathwork Session

Underwater Breathing and Tortoise Breathing