Troy McFadden

Drawing on over 25 years in the field of natural health and wellness, Troy’s offerings are an expression and synthesis of diverse practices, modalities, and the wisdom gleaned from his journey along life’s unconventional paths.

Initially a bodyworker by trade, Troy birthed aspects of The Sanctuary Spa and Wellness Centre in Southern Thailand in the late 1990s, creating a haven for fasting and cleansing programs and other forms of self-care and healing that rejuvenate the body, mind, and heart.

Immersing himself in the practices of Buddhist meditation over the years, Troy has been a devoted participant in two dozen silent meditation retreats in the US, Southeast Asia, and Nepal, each experience deepening his understanding of, and connection to, both soul and spirit.

As an ERYT-500 with Yoga Alliance, Troy’s passion for sharing the transformative power of yoga led to co-founding the School of Sacred Arts, a yoga events organization offering advanced workshops and teacher trainings around the world.

A PCC (Professional Certified Coach) with the International Coaching Federation and a certified Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner, Troy embodies a holistic approach to personal growth and evolution.

His life a celebration of exploration, adventure, and creativity, Troy’s interests include solo wilderness excursions, inner and outer travel, the art of songwriting, the communal spirit and freedom of Ecstatic Dance, and a deep honoring of indigenous cultures.

At the helm of Wisdom Warrior Coaching, Troy offers mindfulness mentoring, personal development and spiritual guidance. Each coaching session and teaching engagement is infused with warmth, compassion, honesty, and humor, along with an invitation to discover one’s own, unique path to wisdom and well-being.

Transcending Limitations and Living Wild

(Video Interview Coming Soon)

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Beginning April 8, 2024

Learn the skills, practices, and principles necessary to safely and successfully guide others through several kinds of Qi Gong Classes.

The 200 Hour program includes three levels:

One- Embodied Awareness

Two – Traditional Forms and Applied Principles

Three – Inner Refinement

Welcome to the 200-Hour Qi Gong Teacher Training Program