Dr. Smith practices Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and encourages his patients to follow an Ancestral (Epigenetic) approach to lifestyle, exercise, and diet.
He has dedicated the last 25 years to the research, understanding, and treatment of Autoimmune Disease. As an Autoimmune patient, Michael is intimately aware of the devastating impact these conditions can have on your quality of life.
Michael studied Traditional Chinese Medicine in a Daoist Oral Lineage (Yi Dao Huan Yuan Pai) and is a co-founder of the prestigious Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences (ACOS), the first five-year full-time school of Chinese medicine in Canada.
He is the founder of the Epigenetic Autoimmune Protocol (Ep-AIP), the Medical Director at Integrative Health Solutions, and is a Clinic Supervisor for Doctoral Candidates in Traditional Chinese medicine and Integrative medicine.
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