Every month there will be a LIVE group online webinar.
We will also gather monthly as a group and learn together.
For the first few months, I will be going deeper into the principles and theories of Qi Gong. Once the group has learned the essentials and is ready to begin sharing, you will have an opportunity to share an exercise or two, or lead the group through a 20 minute (mostly silent) Qi Gong experience, or enjoy learning from the offerings from your peers.
We will also occasionally share some tea to explore what we are learning about ourselves.
I am interested in learning more about becoming a Qi Gong Teacher and/or a Medical Qi Gong Therapist and would like to receive your MONTHLY newsletter.
YES! Send me a copy of the Student Resource Guide
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Beginning April 8, 2024
Learn the skills, practices, and principles necessary to safely and successfully guide others through several kinds of Qi Gong Classes.