Alicia Larrey

Alicia began her training at 17 years and cultivated a strong foundation in mostly external martial arts with a passion for ‘forms’. Several years ago she rekindled a relationship with Tai Chi Chuan, starting a deeper journey in the internal arts, falling in love with Qi Gong.
Alicia is certified as a Professional Qi Gong instructor and is currently furthering her studies with Dr. Michael Smith, while facilitating classes, seminars, and other events. She is now feeling called to share this beautiful ancient practice, and this art of connecting.

A Wise Woman’s Journey

(Video Interview Coming Soon)

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Beginning April 8, 2024

Learn the skills, practices, and principles necessary to safely and successfully guide others through several kinds of Qi Gong Classes.

The 200 Hour program includes three levels:

One- Embodied Awareness

Two – Traditional Forms and Applied Principles

Three – Inner Refinement

Welcome to the 200-Hour Qi Gong Teacher Training Program