There are countless reasons why Qi Gong or Resistance Training can improve your health, vitality, and Longevity.

Here are 10 Reasons that I recommend the Shaolin Strength and Longevity Qi Gong

VIDEO – The 10 Reasons I Recommend EVERYONE Learn

the Muscle Tendon Change Qi Gong (Yi Jin Jing)易筋經 

      1. Increased Mitochondria Increases Your Metabolism
      2. Your Body Burns Calories in Sefl Repair Mode for 36 Hours After Training
      3. Skillful Breathwork Increases Nitric Oxide
      4. Increased Muscle Tone and Tensigrity Improves Longevity
      5. Enhanced Body Awareness Improves Your Relaxation Response
      6. Pandiculation and Tissue Tensegrity Improves Collagen Stores and Longevity
      7. Complex Movement Increases Neuroplasticity
      8. Standing Meditation Increases Bone Density Through Osteocalcin
      9. Pressure creates Piezoelectricity, which Improves Qi Storage, Release, and Flow
      10. Improves Fitness, Coordination, Confidence, Coherence, and Mojo!

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2024 Courses with Dr. Michael Smith

Beginning April 8, 2024

Learn the skills, practices, and principles necessary to safely and successfully guide others through several kinds of Qi Gong Classes.

The 200 Hour program includes three levels:

One- Embodied Awareness

Two – Traditional Forms and Applied Principles

Three – Inner Refinement

Welcome to the 200-Hour Qi Gong Teacher Training Program