Welcome to Day ZERO!

Choosing Where Your Attention Goes

All of the practices you will experience over the 49 Days of Embodied Spiritual Practice focus on three things;



and an Authentic Somatic Runion.

Self-Awareness is an opportunity to experience your Authentic Self and your Deepest Truth. A daily practice of regular check-ins can fundamentally change your outlook on life.

Self-Regulation is like finding the eye of a hurricane. Consistent Self-Regulation is the gateway to resting and rebuilding your Inner Landscape while also regaining a reliable sense of Adaptability.

Somatic Reunion begins with a Reorientation process of exploring your Embodied State, Emotional Intelligence, Intuition, and Existential Disorientations like chronic distress, illness, injuries, and traumatic memories.

Traditional practices like Qi Gong, Yoga, Meditation, Trance Breathwork, and many others only exist because human beings have always needed self-regulation and awareness practices that bring us back into our embodied and present lives.

I truly hope that you will take this opportunity to transform your life from the inside out.

Day Zero – Full Practice (51 minutes)

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2024 Courses with Dr. Michael Smith

Beginning April 8, 2024

Learn the skills, practices, and principles necessary to safely and successfully guide others through several kinds of Qi Gong Classes.

The 200 Hour program includes three levels:

One- Embodied Awareness

Two – Traditional Forms and Applied Principles

Three – Inner Refinement

Welcome to the 200-Hour Qi Gong Teacher Training Program