Final Standing Qi Gong Review

Floor Work – Core Tone

Floor Work – Five Spines

Floor Work – Safety Adjustments

Breathwork Review 

Lesson Links

Lesson One

Follow Along and Teaching Styles

Lesson Two

Opening Exercises (Step-y-step) and Principles of Wu Ji and Tai Ji

Lesson Three

Expanding and Settling, Baby Elephant, and the Daoist Universe

Lesson Four

Follow Along

Lesson Five

Seated practice and Basic Breathwork

Lesson Six

Dreaming Elephant, the Three Dan Tian, and Opening your Spine

Lesson Seven

Old One Strokes Braids and Ocean Swimming

Lesson Eight

Silent Follow Along

Lesson Nine

Three Basins, Fang Song, and Li (disinhibit)

Lesson Ten

Sensual Breathwork and the Four Oceans

Lesson Eleven

Free Form Tai Ji and Boulder Dancing

Lesson Twelve

Shaolin and Daoist Meditation

Lesson Thirteen

Opening Review and Five Spines Floorwork

Lesson Fourteen

Review and Floorwork Safety Revisions

Lesson Fifteen

Open Your Waist and Back Review

Lesson Sixteen

Shoulder Exercises Review

Lesson Seventeen

Hip and Back Exercises Review and Seated Flow